Editorial Board
The Editor is the final responsible party for the editorial content of the journal, assuming authority and responsibility over decisions related to the publication of articles within the scope and thematic types defined by the journal. The Editor’s independence must be absolute, allowing them to make autonomous decisions regarding content and advertising, when necessary, always within the guidelines of the journal.
Additionally, the Editor must have the authority to assign roles, oversee editorial processes, approve manuscripts, and advise on editorial policies. The Editor is also the guarantor of the confidentiality of the information contained in received manuscripts and evaluation comments. In situations where necessary, the Editor is responsible for deciding what information and to what extent it may be disclosed.
Editor Profile
- Solid knowledge and experience in the specialized area related to the journal.
- A history of academic publications (articles, books, or other relevant scientific works).
- A doctoral degree and experience in academic research.
- A commitment to the dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of research.
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee consists of renowned academics, recognized for their expertise in the thematic areas of the journal. Its primary function is to ensure the editorial and scientific quality of the publication, ensuring that the content is relevant, pertinent, and aligns with the established editorial policy.
The Committee also guides the journal’s academic policies and establishes the scientific quality standards that should guide the publications. It assists the Editor in content selection, evaluation, and publication, in the designation of reviewers, and in resolving potential conflicts of interest regarding the approaches of the articles and their eventual acceptance.
Editorial management team
The editorial team includes all individuals who perform roles or functions within the journal under the Editor’s direction. In this context, best editorial practices include the publication of unpublished articles, ensuring high-quality content, impartial management of materials, and the efficient management of deadlines for article evaluation and publication.
Peer Reviewers
Peer reviewers are highly qualified academic experts in the thematic areas covered by the journal, with extensive experience in national and international academic institutions. Their function is to assess and make judgments about the scientific quality and methodological rigor of the submitted works, according to the previously established guidelines. The evaluation process is anonymous in both directions (double-blind) to ensure objectivity and transparency in the assessment of the articles.