The perception of fear in Mexico: variables contributing to its explanation in Yucatan and Guerrero
victimization surveys, fear, crime, crime prevention, the criminality factorsAbstract
Behavioral change due to fear of crime is also known as the perception of fear, and it has been determined that different variables -such as victimization, street lighting and trust in local authorities, for example- have a significant influence. This work is attempted to determine what variables can be useful to explain the perception of fear in both Mexican States, Guerrero and Yucatan, as well as the potential existence of explanatory models typical of each State. Method: By means of the database of the National Survey on Victimization and Perception about Public Security (“Encuesta Nacional de Victimizacion y Percepción sobre Seguridad Publica 2013 (n=5, 539), a lineal regression model was carried out using ten variables to determine which of them help explain the perception of fear in both States. Results: it was established that some of them, likeillegal sales of alcohol for example, do not help explaining the perception of fear, and that those variables that do have a significant influence are safety and security in the neighborhood, risk perception, and the number of activities carried out by the authorities. Likewise, clarifying variables typical of each federative entities were identified. Discussion: implications of the findings reported are addressed and recommendations given so that results may be used in the planning of prevention programs based on evidence.
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