Criminality records in Colombia and National Police operative activity during year 2015
administrative register, administrative record, crime statistics, police resources, National Police, police statisticsAbstract
Crimes occurring in Colombia are usually known in the first place by the National Police throughout the country's territory. Therefore, administrative records serving to get information concerning criminality in the country are organized into the Statistical Criminal Contraventional and Operating Information System (SIEDCO) and, from there, criminological analyses and statistical reports used as an input to construe crime changes in the temporal and territorial environment are prepared. This article exposes the description of offenses by titles and criminological groupings within the period between 1st of January and 31st December 2015, and data are compared with those of the previous year. Likewise, National Police operational outcomes in their fight against criminality are described as well as the contraventions applied to citizens in accordance with the Police Code in force for the country. In addition, it includes an analysis of the crime of homicide since it is seen as one of the most serious manifestations of violence in any given society. Among the most important conclusions, the following findings have been identified: the change taking place in crime dynamics, variances towards offenses affecting citizen safety and security, and a decline in homicidal violence.
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