Clustering techniques used to detect spatial patterns of criminality among young people and adults in Medellin. October 2013 through November 2014
criminal behavior, criminality measuring, homicide, police statistics, juvenile offenderAbstract
Our aim is to find clusters of spatial patterns of criminality among young people and the total population in Medellin, Colombia, within the period between October 2013 and November 2014. For this purpose, a hexagonal city network was created and we looked for groupings into clusters among thirteen tort/delict variables. In order to find the clusters, we used the subtractive clustering and fuzzy c-means clustering. When running them, we found territorial microcorridors where high criminality is consolidated during several periods of time and temporal patterns showing how some high criminality zones are being gradually shaped. Additionally, spatial patterns of criminality were sought among youths, and it was found that, usually, this age group tends to exhibit higher variability in criminal dynamics and meddling territories smaller than the rest of the population.
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