Administrative registers and records for the consolidation of criminality fi gures in Colombia
administrative register, administrative record, criminal statistics, police resources, National Police, police statisticsAbstract
The National Police of Colombia is developing its statistic “Police conducts and services” operation in order to have inputs allowing for the formulation of public policies dealing with security and permanent follow-up of the police service impact. This operation uses as a technological tool the statistics, criminal, contravention and operative information system known as the “Sistema de Informacion Estadistico, Delincuencial, Contravencional y Operativo - Siedco. The methodology for the collection, filing, register, consolidation and dissemination of administrative records for statistical purposes helps obtain criminal figures according to the criminal types of the Colombian Criminal Code, crimes of greater impact and operative activity, with the possibility of locating them by political or police jurisdiction. On the other hand, current technological software tools for the gathering of information offer diff erent ways to analyze and study data at each police unit, in a shorter period of time.
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