Reinforcement of home security for fear to crime and uncivilized conducts. Study of a case at a politically polarized community in Caracas, Venezuela


  • Wilmer José Téllez Acosta Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.



crime, fear, victimization, public disorder


Both classical theory and recent empirical studies have evidenced that uncivilized behavior or social uncivilization is a very powerful factor in predicting fear of crime. This study was prepared as a general objective; it was aimed at carrying out an analysis of dependency on home protection for fear of crime at an urban residential community with an equivalent ideological-partisanship tendency, according to variables such as sex, political inclination, and social uncivilized behavior. Starting from a questionnaire provided to a representative sample of the population under analysis, the logit model was used as the most capable of best fitting the data for analyzing the ratios of advantages between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Results obtained reveled that, to a large extent, the differential degree of home security reinforcement for fear of crime depends on social uncivilization perceptive levels. With respect to sex, gender and political inclination, data did not give sufficient evidence as to establish a substantial difference with respect to being fearful of crime.


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Author Biography

Wilmer José Téllez Acosta, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.

Magíster en Gerencia de Programas Sociales. Profesor-instructor de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Téllez Acosta, W. J. (2014). Reinforcement of home security for fear to crime and uncivilized conducts. Study of a case at a politically polarized community in Caracas, Venezuela. Revista Criminalidad, 57(1), 91–102.



Criminological studies