Do the Increase in the Catalogue of Alternative Penalties and Other Legal Modifications Contribute to Changing the Profiles of People Convicted in the Open System? Evidence for Chile
criminology, alternatives to imprisonment, sentence substitution, penal reform, criminality factors, surveysAbstract
This study, based on a quantitative methodology, describes and analyzes sociodemographic and criminal variables from a representative sample of people sentenced to alternative penalties (called alternatives) in Chile after Law No. 20,603 was reformed. This modification changed the prevailing paradigm with respect to what this penalty regime references. In addition, the study compares some results with those obtained in another study before the reform. The results show characteristics inherent to the subjects convicted to these sentences, which can be observed both in the various types of alternative penalties and in those sentenced to a term of imprisonment. There are sociodemographic and criminal patterns that allow profiling convicts and focusing resources better on social reintegration and recurrence reduction programs. They also show that there is a gender component that public policies must study and analyze when attending to criminal behavior.
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Marco normativo
Ley Nº 18.216, de 14 de mayo de 1983.
Ley Nº 20.603, de 27 de junio de 2012.
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