Relevant elements in the therapeutic intervention of young people who have committed sexual offences: perception of the Chilean adolescents emerging from a specialized program
sexual offences, psychological treatment, criminal conduct, clinical assessment, young peopleAbstract
The objective of this investigation is to study the perception of young Chilean people; they are emerging from a program addressed to adolescents who have committed sexually abusive acts. This study implements a qualitative methodology; semi-structured interview and medical records document review were used as information production instruments. The analysis was conducted by means of the grounded theory technique. The achieved results point to the importance in the specialization of methodologies and applied techniques, in both the diagnostic evaluation and the therapeutic process. It was observed the relevance of the therapist figure as a facilitator element of the success in the intervention; and also the imperious necessity of enhancing the techniques to approach the contents associated with the recognition and accountability of the abusive act. Finally, this concludes that further research is required with regard to the different trajectories of adolescents who have committed sexual offences, so therapies with a higher level of specialization to be generated.
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