Social representations of traffic rules, aggressiveness, easiness perceived in driving, accidents, and traffic tickets involving drivers in Bogota, D. C.
Traffic violations contraventions, driving contraventions, road traffic rules, aggressiveness, road accident rates, traffic fines, traffic ticketsAbstract
The main objective in this work consisted of getting to know the social representations about traffic rules and their connection with self-reported aggressiveness, accident rates and fines for traffic offenses by drivers in Bogota. A case-based survey (Mamontoff, 2010) with graphic elements (Abric, 1993) was applied to a non-random sample of driving offenders or drivers undergoing their driving license renewal process. As results, four classes of drivers were identified: Two groups more likely to: abuse alcohol and exceed speed limits (1st class), pass through red or yellow lights and disregard other traffic signs (2nd class); another group that was more cautious about drinking alcohol before driving, but not with regard to exceeding speed limits (3rd class), and another group with a willingness to comply with all driving rules (4th class). A more lenient attitude towards drinking alcohol before or while driving was associated to attributing accidents to factors external to the driver, or with a higher record of fines or sanctions in the past, and having suffered more damages in road-traffic. Likewise, a more far-reaching aggressiveness was associated with an intended less prudent or cautious conduct.
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