Challenges and the future situation of coexistence in Colombia as of 2025
police, social conflict, security, safety, police policies, criminologyAbstract
This article examines the main coexistence challenges to be confronted in the coming years in Colombia until 2015. The subject is explored as an essential objective of the police forces, in the same way as the most important cohabitation trends for the purpose of submitting an analysis of the most likely scenarios and threats. Four scenarios were designed following an expert consultation process involving security and coexistence matters based on forward-looking approaches. The debate is focused on the main future scenarios in the face of changes occurring in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres, and with respect to the potential strategies likely to be developed by the institutions in order to anticipate and confront any such changes in an effective manner. Finally, this paper offers an approach to the guidelines for the Colombian police in order to adjust its role to the new circumstances.
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