Psychopathy in young offenders: research and intervention challenges
psychopathy, sociopathy, minors, youths, juveniles, interventionAbstract
The theoretical perspective of psychopathy in minors is addressed from a review of reference documents and scientific articles. It begins by examining both personality traits and psychopathic features and their repercussion on young persons, always through a qualitative analysis of the diff erent scientific texts where the most influential psychobiological models in the study of both characteristics are developed. Subsequently, the challenges posed by this field in the area of research are listed, along with the problems encountered at the time of defining psychopathy and sociopathy and the typical conducts in childhood and adolescence that might help predict the development of a psychopathy or a sociopathy, as well as the identification of risk and protection factors relating with this type of individuals. In addition, a brief review is included regarding the current situation of intervention programs with juveniles showing psychopathic traits, and it concludes by explaining the main objectives that any program of this nature must envisage at the time of dealing with this phenomenon.
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