Ideas and Beliefs regarding Reconciliation from the Security Sector: the Case of the Police Unit for Peacebuilding in the Post-agreement Context in Colombia
peace, conflict, security, protection, National PoliceAbstract
Security and reconciliation are two determining factors for peacebuilding. This article presents the results of research whose objective is to understand the ideas and beliefs regarding reconciliation from the security sector in the post-agreement context in Colombia. A qualitative methodology was used with a phenomenological design to analyze the testimonies of 15 police officers assigned to the Police Unit for Peacebuilding. They were responsible for the security of former FARC-EP combatants in the rural areas where they began their reinsertion into civilian life after signing the peace agreement with the Colombian government. Three conceptual categories stood out among the results, which emerged from the participants’ narratives: the necessary conditions to interact with the former adversary, factors that facilitated reconciliation from the security sector, and the emotions involved in reconciliation. Finally, some reflections are presented to understand reconciliation from the security sector in a post-agreement setting.
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