Citizen security and the Armed Forces: a nonsense or the last resource in the face of organized crime?
organized crime, Armed Forces, police, citizen security, public order, drug traffickingAbstract
Despite the casuistic heterogeneity existing at the international level with respect to the role played by the Armed Forces around the world, their dedication and use (or the decision not to use them) in the fight specifically against organized crime triggers today many controversies. Both supporters and opponents put forward reasons and arguments to defend or attack the purpose of giving or denying the Armed Forces any such role. Their original use in the confrontation against drug trafficking worldwide has fostered the debate about their full immersion in the war against any and all typology of organized crime; this, in fact, has created diverse scenarios. The article is intended to throw a thought into the air about the pros and cons deriving from Armed Forces involvement in the fight against organized criminality as taken from the casuistic analysis of the main scenarios still in force in the world, by trying to identify which of all the possible action frameworks may mark the trend on the international stage to be followed with regard to what the commitment of the Armed Forces at large must be and how should they play their role accordingly.
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