Theft attitudes and dynamics in an upper-middle socioeconomic level school
theft, robbery, complaint, denunciation, educational system, preventionAbstract
School theft is a very common problem at schools in all areas of Bogota. For the purpose of delving into this issue, surveys, interviews and focus groups were carried out with ninety students of a private upper-middle socioeconomic level school, and results showed that robberies and thefts taking place there are generally of a spontaneous and individual nature, and stolen objects intended for personal use, not for sale. Nevertheless, although most students reject these activities, they tend to minimize their seriousness particularly if the victims own significant resources or boast about their possessions or tend to be careless and leave their things behind. In contrast, the results of a similar study previously carried out in a school affected with the presence of youth gangs showed that thefts were carefully planned by groups of students playing different roles; stolen objects were then sold outside the school. Despite the differences seen among these establishments, current research stresses the fact that student complaints need to be taken seriously and empathy promoted towards the victims; rules must be applied consistently while questioning and rejecting any justifications leading to minimize the seriousness of these acts.
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