Cyber crime seen as an attack on the human rights of the youngest population


  • Roxana Vuanello Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina.



human rights, new technologies, youngsters, young people, cyber crime, cyber criminality, victims


This article opens a space for reflection on the youngest sector of the population, as referring to changes resulting from the technological advances of the growing information society. Both advantages and dangers of this technology are being widely recognized. In terms of risks and due to its fast multiplication fostered by the wide scope of the networks and actors' anonymity, its use may constitute disturbing cyber criminality acts where they victimize the most vulnerable preys.

Therefore, an approach is made to concepts referring to access and use of the new technologies as a human and peoples' right to development, and examines issues such as the cyberspace seen as a damaging environment where individual and collective guarantees can be violated, as well as the new criminal methods intended to hurt the most vulnerable victims. Individual responsibilities in an adult world in the spheres of primary socialization must be accompanied by actions of the States off ering the likelihood of a safe use of these technologies based on the creation of both preventive policies and protective legal actions.


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Author Biography

Roxana Vuanello, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina.

Doctora en Psicología Profesora adjunta de Psicología Jurídica, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Vuanello, R. (2011). Cyber crime seen as an attack on the human rights of the youngest population. Revista Criminalidad, 53(1), 249–260.



Criminological studies