The Criminal Profiling Technique: Knowledge, Characteristics and Usefulness in Colombia
Criminology, criminal psychology, criminal investigation, crimeAbstract
This research study’s objective was to explore the knowledge, characteristics and usefulness of the criminal profiling technique within a sample of judicial actors in Colombia who, due to their professional functions in criminal investigations, could possibly apply the technique. The methodology included performing semi-structured interviews on 155 officials belonging to Colombia’s main institutions for the administration of justice (Prosecutor’s Office, National Police, Ombudsman’s Office, National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, and members of the judicial branch). Among the results, it was observed that judicial actors consider the technique useful due to the scientific notion they have regarding it. Furthermore, although it is perceived as being useful, it is seldom used because of a general lack of knowledge derived from scant training for its execution. These results are discussed in light of the recent criminological study carried out in the country, its professionals’ education and the gaps in academic research and its use in criminal investigations. It was concluded that the technique is still being developed in the Colombian context. It currently have some guides and protocols within each institution, and requires more impact assessments and comprehensive analyses regarding its relevance and scientific nature.
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