Building city in high violence settings: Is it possible? The case of the Honduras Central District


  • Lucía Dammert Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile.



crimes with violence, social factors of criminality, insecurity, urban violence, public space, Honduras


Is it possible to build city in high violence settings? Analytical frameworks developed by criminology in Latin America have not taken into account contexts of high violence. The objective of this article is to characterize the territorial dynamics of the criminality, violence and insecurity phenomena, and their connection with the process of public space ownership. The citizens’ voice, praised starting from surveys, interviews and focus group, calls for more city. The public space is a place of exchange and security. This includes not only safe transport spaces, but also recreation, rest and even artistic innovation spaces. Urban renewal and public space importance is emphasized in the document, recognizing a smaller probability of gentrification initiatives development, which require investment and consolidation of the symbolic and territorial identity. In spite of the homicides, extortions and neglect by the government, the citizens seem to recognize the substantial issue of the community life: the need of being citizens, instead of being citizens of spaces affected by the precariousness.


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Author Biography

Lucía Dammert, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas. Departamento de Historia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite

Dammert, L. . (2018). Building city in high violence settings: Is it possible? The case of the Honduras Central District. Revista Criminalidad, 60(3), 177–193.



Statistical studies