Similarities and differences between female and male inmates with violent behaviors


  • Claudia Reyes-Quilodrán Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Daniela Calderón-Canales Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Maida Muñoz-Chiguay Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Prison, violence, prisoners, inmates, gender, aggressive behavior


The Violence within Chilean prisons is a problem that exists in both men’s and women’s inmates. However, studies in the female population in this issue are limited. Thus, this research analyzes the factors that influence the manifestation of violent behavior in male and female inmates, for which semi-structured interviews were applied to 98 women and 174 men in two prison centers in Santiago, Chile. The data is analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study inquired about the sociodemographic variables, criminal behavior, physical and mental health, services and structural conditions in prison, manifestation of violent behavior within the prison, problem solving, and role of the peer group. The results show the presence of drug use inside the prison, mental health problems, and limited access to drug use treatment and job training or training programs. The forms of aggressions are different between groups, but the motivations are similar.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Quilodrán, C., Calderón-Canales , D., & Muñoz-Chiguay , M. (2022). Similarities and differences between female and male inmates with violent behaviors . Revista Criminalidad, 63(3), 147–166.



Criminological studies