Psychic alterations due to multiple sexual violation: Pending challenges
Female sexual assault victims, forensic psychology, expert witnessesAbstract
Multiple sexual violation causes alterations in the victim that result in sequelae of damage and suffering to the psyche and mental structures. The objective of this study is to make them visible and identify them in order to enrich the study of psychological alterations in victimization and thereby contribute with evidence and new findings to the scenario of psychological trauma and the management and intervention in the violent post-scenario. The method that is proposed is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and interpretive investigation, in which the testimonial narrative of three direct female victims is taken up. The results show alterations in terms of over-stimulation, decrease, deprivation or confusion regarding the traces of pain and suffering, suspended threat, broken proxemics, fear re-triggers and in the attack-flight system, it is appreciated that these five alterations have a common basis extreme fear. The conclusion is that these findings are included in the therapeutic treatments, thereby mitigating the alterations of the victimization and, in turn, contributing to the neuro-right by making these consequences visible in their psyche and in the mental structures, thereby seeking to give greater legal relevance to the forcefulness of the damage and the need for victimological therapeutic accompaniment, which gives
the step not only to the recovery and well-being of women, but also to restoring the personal integrity that was taken from them.
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