Criminality in context COVID year 2020 and approach of a proposal in neurocriminology
Criminality, homicides, police, Neurocriminology, COVID-19Abstract
The criminality behavior during the year 2020 evidenced variations associated with changes in population dynamics throughout the country. This article, using descriptive elements, exposes the characteristics of crime in Colombia during the year 2020 and the criminogenic context associated with the transformations of crime, with emphasis on homicide. In particular, the article includes a section that reflects on the contributions of neurocriminology to the understanding of criminal behavior. Among the conclusions are: 1) a significant reduction in homicide, which represented the lowest rate of the last 46 years in Colombia, equivalent to 23.8 homicides per one hundred thousand inhabitants. 2) a decrease equivalent to 29% of impact crimes occurred in the country when comparing 2019 with 2020. 3) associated with a year of health emergency the National Police captured 173,217 subjects for the commission of different crimes and according to analytical exercises carried out in territories, police units increased their workload with new tasks derived from COVID-19 attention and prevention measures.
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