Evaluation of psychopathic personality characteristics in adolescents according to criminal complexities
Criminal complexities, psychopathic features, young offendersAbstract
The objective of this study is to determine whether there are differences in psychopathic characteristics according to criminal complexities in adolescents. A correlational cross-sectional survey design and intentional sampling are used. The sample is made up of 49 adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age (M = 16.08, SD = 1.06) characterised according to criminal complexities by expert criteria using the MMIDA guidelines (Perez-Luco et al., 2014). Once characterised, they are evaluated by means of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI, Andershed et al., 2002). The results show statistically significant differences in psychopathic characteristics between the persistent and control groups (F (2, 40) = 3,45, p = ,04). Specifically, in Factor 2 Hardness/Insensitivity (F (2, 41) = 4,41, p = ,02) in Remorselessness sub scale (F (2, 41) = 8,17, p = ,001) and in Irresponsibility (F (2, 44) = 5.69, p = .01). It is conjectured that adolescents linked to a persistent crime belong to a distinctive population in their affectivity and irresponsible conduct in contrast to adolescents who do not commit crime; its possible implications are discussed.
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