A preamble of criminal policy before the organized crime
organized crime, underground economy, abuse of power, criminal policy, illicit trafficAbstract
The objective is to reflect upon four alternative aspects for the crime policy against the transnational organized crime that are justified critically on the deficient results produced by the traditional approaches. At the beginning, emerging elements from the economic theory are studied, which explain how the organized crime structures are always lifted from underground economies. Then, the reckless use review of terms to name the study object shows the impact that it has for building perceptions and meanings that lead answers to the problem with a slight objectivity and effectiveness. The structuralist approach identified in the sophisticated division of criminal activities for complementing each other, state relationships that help to understand the accelerating growth and the uncontrollable economic return of the organized crime. Finally, the controversial hypothesis of convergence between this problem and terrorism is studied. This document reviews in a specific way some current studies developed by renowned specialists, but also it takes classical references of the social sciences for comparing them with the reality, and to build new arguments of public policy for the containment of the organized crime.
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