Judgment Rol N.º 9.031-2013 of the Supreme Court of Chile. Is it an application of conventionality control in the analysis of passive extradition for the crime of narcotics transportation?


  • Miriam Henríquez Viñas Universidad Alberto Hurtado


Extradition, procedure in the event of extradition, International Law, Human Rights Law, the Law of Treaties


This work offers in an analytical manner the meanings attributable to the “conventionality control” from the study of the jurisprudence emanating from the Inter-American Court. Likewise, it attempts to establish whether or not in passive extradition cases the Chilean Supreme Court applies this “conventionality control”, while examining what are the meaning and scope that the highest national court attributes to the above-mentioned exam in contrast with the senses suggested in a praetorian manner by the Inter-American Court. The above, in the context of the only judgment where the Supreme Court of Chile affirms having exercised this conventionality control, i.e. in the resolution of the passive extradition of a Bolivian citizen charged with taking part as an author in the crime of narcotics trafficking, Rol N.° 9.031-2013. The conclusion reached is that it was not exercised properly by the highest court which, in addition, did not follow the meaning and effects assigned by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in its did not exercise in a proper manner that control in its prevailing jurisprudence that fundamentally conceives it as a normative control between internal rules and the inter-American corpus iuris, all the foregoing within the framework of an analysis of cases made according to the critical method. 


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Corte Suprema. Rol N.º 9.031-13. 19 de noviembre de 2013.



How to Cite

Henríquez Viñas, M. (2017). Judgment Rol N.º 9.031-2013 of the Supreme Court of Chile. Is it an application of conventionality control in the analysis of passive extradition for the crime of narcotics transportation?. Revista Criminalidad, 59(2), 139–149. Retrieved from https://revistacriminalidad.policia.gov.co:8000/index.php/revcriminalidad/article/view/396



Criminological studies