Durkheim: The Functionalist Perspective of Crime in Criminology


  • Omar Huertas Díaz


punishment, social consciousness, community, moral, Émile Durkheim


This article is intended to make known the work of sociologist Émile Durkheim, revolutionary in its time, as it considers criminals as regulating agents of social life who, in turn, dynamize social life and play a role within the community. consequently, the first chapter refers to the three most important texts that explain his theory; the second chapter shows the criticism made of such work; and the third chapter poses a reformulation of the central thesis in Durkheim’s thought.


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Author Biography

Omar Huertas Díaz

Magíster en Derecho Penal. Magíster en Derechos Humanos, Estado de Derecho y Democracia en Iberoamérica. Investigador, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Dirección Nacional de Escuelas, Policía Nacional de Colombia.


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How to Cite

Huertas Díaz , O. (2009). Durkheim: The Functionalist Perspective of Crime in Criminology. Revista Criminalidad, 51(2), 103–115. Retrieved from https://revistacriminalidad.policia.gov.co:8000/index.php/revcriminalidad/article/view/426



Criminological studies