La historia y el presente de las cifras delictivas y contravencionales en Colombia: Un nuevo conocimiento
Offenses, contraventions, frequency tables and primary sourcesAbstract
This paper has been developed in two stages in the field of criminology with specific results and new understandings. The first stage collected detailed information about the criminal and contraventional frequency in 2007 as a result of a methodological process that included the applying of instruments to collect primary information; the assessing of data to be screened; the analysis of variable cross tabulation; and, data classification in frequency tables.
The second stage is the materialization of a rigorous revision process of the outcomes of investigations carried out by the National Police resulting in yearly quantified data about offenses and contraventions from 1958 to 2007. This paper reviews, analyzes, systematizes and integrates such data so as to show their advances and development regarding the variables used by Center for Criminology’s data bases related to offenses and contraventions. As a result, historical data about these two elements were narrowed down, thus generating new knowledge as a primary source for those who should make decisions in the fields of criminal policy, security, investment, education and criminology.
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