Dynamic factors associated with recidivism among juvenile offenders in Spain and Portugal: systematic review and meta-analysis


  • Kenia Melissa Munera-Luque Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia y Universidad del Magdalena
  • Jennifer Buitrago-Ordóñez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • Johan Eduardo Muñoz-De la Rosa Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia
  • Kelly Obispo-Salazar Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia
  • Richard Larrota Castillo Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Bucaramanga, Colombia




Juvenile delinquency, crime, recidivism, dynamic factors, juvenile offenders


This article analyses the empirical evidence provided by studies on the influence of dynamic factors associated with the criminal recidivism of juvenile offenders in the Spanish and Portuguese context. The search for the terms Juvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR Risk factors* was carried out in the databases Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of science, Dialnet, Scielo and ProQuest. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, out of a total of 105 653 articles, 20 were selected for qualitative analysis and 3 for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The study allows us to conclude that the dynamic factors with the greatest predictive capacity are education, relationship with peer group, leisure time, family and PAS consumption.


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How to Cite

Munera-Luque, K. M., Buitrago-Ordóñez, J., Muñoz-De la Rosa, J. E., Obispo-Salazar, K., & Larrota Castillo, R. (2023). Dynamic factors associated with recidivism among juvenile offenders in Spain and Portugal: systematic review and meta-analysis. Revista Criminalidad, 65(2), 87–103. https://doi.org/10.47741/17943108.486



Criminological studies