Impact of the pandemic and confinement measures on lethal violence against women in Mexico and Colombia


  • Martha Elisa Nateras González Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México
  • Paula Andrea Valencia Londoño Universidad de Medellín Medellín, Colombia



Violence, crime, gender-based violence, pandemic, femicide, Covid-19


The health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic led to limitations and changes in mobility that transformed the behaviour of both society in general and criminal actors in articular, with an impact on crime rates. This led some analysts to consider the possibility of a “rebound effect on crime” after the end of the pandemic’s safe haven. The aim of this article is to review the impact of the pandemic and its confinement measures on lethal violence against women in Mexico and Colombia. To do so, through a descriptive statistical exercise, we analyse the trend in homicide behaviour in both countries disaggregated by gender, focusing the analysis on 2019, 2020 and 2021, years considered as pre-pandemic, pandemic and post-pandemic periods. The findings demonstrate the lack of evidence of a significant increase in homicide, female homicide and femicide offences relative to the pre-pandemic period. Homicides of women and femicides show a continuity in the chain of violence against women throughout their lives.


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How to Cite

Nateras González, M. E., & Valencia Londoño, P. A. (2024). Impact of the pandemic and confinement measures on lethal violence against women in Mexico and Colombia. Revista Criminalidad, 65(3), 97–119.



Criminological studies