Theoretical approach to grapho-corporal inconsistencies in the processes of sample collection in handwriting expertise




Non-verbal communication,, unconscious, writing, written examination, deviance


The collection of indubitable samples when a corpus of handwriting is taken from a person is an extremely important process in handwriting expertise. There are parameters by which handwriting experts are governed when making such a writing corpus, which generally focus on the position of the scribe, writing speed, spontaneity, number of samples, among others. However, the scribe may try to alter or manipulate it in different ways, usually in an attempt to hinder the expert’s work. Thus, there are several elements that indicate to a handwriting expert that an attempt is being made to modify the handwriting or signature during this process from a technical point of view. In this sense, the aim of this study is to highlight the importance
of compiling a handwriting corpus with all the guarantees that it can be treated as an unquestionable document, as well as highlighting the importance of the expert having the ability to confirm the scribe’s sincerity, both through the analysis of their handwriting (graphology) and through the analysis of their non-verbal communication at the time of writing. A qualitative methodology has been used, using the documentary information technique, by means of the collection of information for study and analysis, as well as monographs, study manuals and scientific articles.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez González, V., Bort Lorenzo, L., & Paya Santos, C. (2024). Theoretical approach to grapho-corporal inconsistencies in the processes of sample collection in handwriting expertise. Revista Criminalidad, 65(3), 149–159.



Criminological studies