Criminology and identity: A theoretical review


  • Carlos Melis-Rivera Universidad de Tarapacá - Universidad Católica del Norte Arica, Chile
  • Carlos Piñones-Rivera Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile



Psychological factors of the delinquent, factors of criminality, criminological theories, criminal sociology, juvenile delinquent


This article is a literature review describing and analysing the main theoretical and empirical developments that have addressed the concept of identity and its role in crime based on criminology and other disciplines. The literature review was based on a search both in Spanish and English in the Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and Scielo databases. The exposition of theoretical proposals follows a chronological and disciplinary field order, including identity perspective, the sociology of deviance, developmental criminology, and several of the leading contemporary approaches. It highlights the dissemination and importance of identity perspective between the 1950s and 1970s and the subsequent criticism that it was reductionist, lacking theoretical support, and not in dialogue with other criminological proposals. Thereupon, emphasis is placed on the subsequent contributions and proposals, which demonstrate the consistency of the concept, as well as its versatility and articulation with different disciplinary approaches to the understanding of the criminal phenomenon. The conclusion highlights the richness of the concept, its projections, and the importance of its revitalisation.


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How to Cite

Melis-Rivera, C., & Piñones-Rivera, C. (2024). Criminology and identity: A theoretical review. Revista Criminalidad, 65(3), 65–79.



Criminological studies