Identity constructions in gendarmes: a gender approach




Preventive detention center, Gender roles, Identity, Gendarmes, Dirty work


Objective: An analysis of the organizational identity and occupational role of the gendarmes belonging to the Santiago Sur Preventive Detention Center is presented from the concept of “dirty work” and a gender perspective.

Methodology: Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with gendarmes - five male gendarmes and five female gendarmes - regarding their organizational, occupational, professional and personal role and identity.
Results: Gender differences were verified in terms of the configuration of their personal and occupational identities, a situation that is not replicated at the level of their organizational and professional identities, which they tend to share.
Conclusions: There are significant differences in the way in which gendarmes develop their personal identity, and they lie mainly in the relevance they attribute to the roles and identities associated with family life. Regarding the remaining identity dimensions, important similarities were identified in terms of values and beliefs that the subjects express and experience; These seem to be linked to practices and a traditional and conservative institutional culture regarding gender.
Scope: The research is exploratory in nature and seeks to provide empirical background on which to base future research in this field.


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How to Cite

Díaz Cánepa, C., Caro Ceballos, C., Fredes Muñoz, J., Jorquera Caamaño, F., Luco Aravena, F., & Rantul Rupayan, F. (2024). Identity constructions in gendarmes: a gender approach. Revista Criminalidad, 66(1), 159–172.



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