Sexual slavery of migrant women in Mexico: the modus operandi of the perpetrators
Migrant women, sexual slavery, criminal groups, violence, MexicoAbstract
This article is based on a qualitative methodology sustained by in-depth interviews with 76 migrant women victims of sexual slavery in Mexico selected through chain sampling. The objective is to analyse the modus operandi used by criminal groups involved in the sexual enslavement of migrant women in Mexico. Six categories of perpetrators profit from sexual slavery in Mexico: drug cartels, prostitution networks, nightclub owners, pseudo-modeling agencies, freelance slavers and boyfriendpimps. Their modus operandi involves the recruitment of victims through internet advertisements, deception, infatuation, purchase or kidnapping, and the subjugation of slaves through imprisonment, domination by means of threats, extortion, rape or torture. These groups exercise the right of ownership over the victims in order to buy, sell, abuse or kill them. Some victims are released, but most do not escape. Those who try to flee or refuse to obey the perpetrators are severely disciplined.
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