Social reaction to a case of parricide in Spain. A study based on Twitter interaction




Juvenile delinquency, Child to parent violence, parricide, Twitter, youth violence


A minor murdered his parents and siblings in Elche (Spain) in February 2022. This case has offered the possibility of analysing this type of crime, which is so rarely studied in Spain. In a novel way the paper research analyses the social reaction to a case of parricide. For this purpose, a total of 7200 messages published in the days following the event were analysed using NVIVO 12. The measures of central tendency indicate the influence of the traditional media in defining the framing of the treatment of the case, but also the capacity of new actors to incorporate new perspectives and question the media discourse. Alongside this analysis, a qualitative analysis of the discourse conveyed in the messages has been developed. This research contributes to productively using media information to analyse various social phenomena. It also aids in understanding processes of the social construction of violence and its effects within the framework of current communication.


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How to Cite

Palma-Durán, J. A., & Ruiz-Callado, R. (2024). Social reaction to a case of parricide in Spain. A study based on Twitter interaction. Revista Criminalidad, 66(2), 45–59.



Criminological studies