Organizations as an evolutionary process of knowledge: perspectives for its applicationin the study of drug trafficking




Adaptation, drug trafficking, Organizations, evolutionary process


Drug trafficking is a phenomenon that has grown considerably globally since the second half of the 20th century and despite multiple political, military and social efforts to mitigate it, this problem persists and adapts quickly. From this perspective, the main purpose of the article is to present an approach to understanding drug trafficking organizations from the framework of the concept of the evolutionary process of knowledge. To achieve this, the document is based on the evolutionary ontological framework and the understanding of organizations as systems composed of individuals that interact with each other through simple rules in a geographic space. The approach rescues the adaptive capacities of organizations and recognizes the emergence of systemic patterns as a result of an evolutionary process. Given the dimension of the drug trafficking problem, for the purposes of the analysis emphasis is placed on maritime drug trafficking. Finally, the document establishes an analysis for understanding the evolutionary framework in the organizational field, providing theoretical and practical  contributions so that researchers can take it as a starting point.


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How to Cite

Noguera Hidalgo, Ángela L., Beltrán Valbuena, S., & Ávila Robayo, D. (2024). Organizations as an evolutionary process of knowledge: perspectives for its applicationin the study of drug trafficking. Revista Criminalidad, 66(2), 75–91.



Criminological studies