Attributes of Police Leadership
National Police, formal social control, institutionalization, behavior, competenceAbstract
The purpose of this article is to identify the attributes of police leadership and their relationships, associated with the dimensions of to be, to know, know-how, and know to be of the police officer. The methodological design usedis of mixed type. For empirical study, the approach was sequential. First, qualitative data was collected and analysed, which then supported the collection and interpretation of quantitative data. The method of data collection is of a sequential exploratory nature (DEXPLOS) with a derivative modality: a theoretical-conceptual foundation was constructed, and qualitative data was obtained in focus groups (first tool) and, then, quantitative data was obtained from the results of a survey on the institutional climate (second tool), with the purpose of guaranteeing a representative sample for the validation of the police leader’s attributes. The results obtained identify through the technique discussion groups and, later validation with the technique of structural equations, that the attributes -police honour, service vocational, credibility and trust, adaptability and effectiveness, vision and innovation- are essentials and inseparables from police leader.
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