Psychological variables common in school violence between peers and filial-parental violence: a qualitative study
school violence, filial-parental violence, self-esteem, empathy, social status, adolescenceAbstract
Objective: getting to know jointly the influence exerted on School Violence (“Violencia Escolar “VE”) and Filial-Parental Violence (“VFP”) by certain indicators of both individual adjustment (empathy and self-esteem) and social type (social status and relationship with peers). Method: a qualitative study was carried out among probation centers/juvenile facility’s adolescents, parents, teaching staff and technicians. Results: To most participants, bullies / aggressors in both studies reveal low self-esteem and empathic difficulties. However, VE provides them with some kind of status and social acceptance from their group of peers, while VFP generates rejection; therefore, it tends to be hidden. Conclusions: aggressors against parents seek the acceptance of peers through violent behaviors in the school environment, this being an aspect that would lead to the coexistence of aggressive conducts both within the family and in the school environment.
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