Significance and problematization of family violence of professionals in justice institutions: a comparative study of Merida (Mexico), and Cordoba (Argentina)
violence, family, justice systems, professional, victim, Mexico, ArgentinaAbstract
The objective here is to analyze the meanings and problematization of family violence by professionals and public servants working for justice systems in areas of first contactlevel with victims in the cities of Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, and Córdoba, Argentina. This report seeks to interrelate elements through the approach of the social construction of reality where said constructions of what is real have an influence on the way we can interpret and perceive our environment. The methodology chosen was of a qualitative and exploratory type for the compilation of information consisting of semi-structured interviews to ten people from different institutions belonging in both cities. And from the results it could be inferred that both cities coincide with the significance of family violence as a problem of social nature where the institutions of justice have not yet had the full elements needed to procure help to victims; and, particularly, affective dimensions in professionals on which some aspects like frustration and exhaustion reflected by the fact of being immersed in the working context with limitations in due care owed to family violence victims. As a conclusion, and as the differential components between both cities, professional formation and the reference to ethics on which attention given to cases is based as well as the empathic narrative towards victims are evidenced.
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