Perception of insecurity, victimization and restrictions in daily life according to the life cycle, in Morelos, Mexico
victimization survey, crime prevention, criminality factors, fear, crimeAbstract
Studies on the perception of insecurity, victimization and restrictions in daily life in countries with high crime rates are scarce. Objective: examining the awareness of insecurity and victimization, and the routine variations taking place according to age. Method: an adaptation has been made of the National Survey on Victimization and Perception of Insecurity (ENVIPE). A total of 8,170 subjects of both sexes (49.9% women and 50.1% men), between 12 and 75 years old, residents in the State of Morelos, selected from a stratified and proportional probabilistic sampling. Regarding age, the following intervals were established depending on the different stages of the life cycle: [12-17 years] 24%, [18-20 years] 8%, [21-30 years] 14%, [31 and 40 years] 14%, [41 and 60 years] 20% and [61 or above] 20%. Results: Significant differences in the perception of insecurity, victimization and restrictions in daily activities based on age were shown. Adolescents reported greater insight with respect to insecurity and fewer restrictions in their daily lives. Also, adolescents and those over 61 years of age presented lower victimization. Conclusion: adolescents are the most vulnerable
group for victimization; they perceive higher uncertainty and generally introduce fewer changes in their routines to protect themselves from crime. Finally, the results are discussed.
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