Effects of imprisonment: a review of prisonization measures in Venezuela
prisonization, imprisonment, incarceration, prison culture, informal organization, prisoners, prison, jailAbstract
The objective here was to expose and discuss, in the light of both theoretical and empirical, the results contributed through the application of the Venezuelan prisonization scale, as well as of the variables associated with such a phenomenon. By using a quantitative methodology, with a statistical bi and multivariate analysis of information taken from a sampling survey applied face to face four samples of inmates in three different years (2006, 2007 y 2009), results showing acceptable validity and reliability of the scale were reached, this indicating the verification of high levels of prisonization, a phenomenon that was being deepened in individuals with habits of illicit substance consumption prior to and during incarceration, and to a lesser extent through previous experiences with prison and the criminal justice system. The conclusion points to the consideration that, in the Venezuelan case, imprisonment is an occurrence depending rather from the prison institutional context than from inmates’ individual and social variables, therefore the approach to this issue should be deepened and rethought in studies able to take into account the “new” Venezuelan penitentiary system.
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